Lake Forest
Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club thrives as a result of the hard work done by the volunteers who sit on our committees and help make our community a better place to live.
The Architectural Committee sets out to provide and enhance LFCA as an aesthetically appealing residential community.  They provide a common basis for establishing continuity of aesthetic design criteria and decision making for LFCA.  The Architectural Committee does not assume any responsibility for the engineering design.  It only concerns are the aesthetic effect to the community from a design and color standpoint, and the nuisance affect of the surrounding neighborhood.
Meets on the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m.  Meetings are by appointment only.
The Hearing Committee has a duty to advise and assist the Board of Directors on Violation Enforcement and the Rules and Regulations. Homeowners can appear before the committee to request an extension to correct their violation, or explain why a fine is not appropriate.  
Meets on the 2nd Friday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are by appointment only.
Meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. 
A group of residents willing to be informed stewards of our unique forest environment.  Developing a short and long term plan, we assist the Board of Directors in creating policy that will protect and preserve the forest while honoring the rights of the residents.
Meetings to be announced
We need your help!  Do you enjoy volunteer work and the feeling that you’ve made a difference in the lives of others? If so, the Association is seeking volunteers interested in joining the Community Spirit Team. The team is a group of homeowners and vendors who help other homeowners in need of home maintenance. Those homeowners who work for companies willing to participate in or donate services/goods/time, please contact Jordan Roberts, Architectural Coordinator at or General Manager Julie Carter at  Also, if you are a homeowner or neighbor of someone who is experiencing hardship and would like to be considered a candidate for a future Community Spirit project, please reach out…we are all in this together. Well maintained homes enhance property values for the entire community and make our neighborhood a better place to live.
The Upper Hidden Lake Committee facilitates the management, maintenance, preservation, improvement and protection of the unique environment of the community's lakes and ponds in order to promote the health, safety, welfare and enjoyment of its members.
Meetings to be announced