Lake Forest
Community Association
Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.
Lake Forest Community Association
22921 Ridge Route
Lake Forest, CA 92630
949-837-6100 phone
949-837-0216 fax
Follow us on Instagram (@lfcarecreation) to stay up to date on the various events, classes and activities taking place year-round at the clubhouse!
Classes & Lessons
Available Classes:
Pickleball Open Play Mondays || 6pm - 8pm
Thursdays at 6pm: 
Yoga || $10.00 
Tuesday & Thursdays:
AquaFitness || 2pm - 3pm || Click here for registration flyer 
Interested in Pickleball Lessons: 
Call Evolve Pickleball
Kevin Booth (949) 463-1983
Shelly Booth (949) 689-4118
Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Recent News
SAVE YOUR ASSOCIATION MONEY SIGN UP FOR E-STATEMENTS!  Your monthly statements will arrive as an email attachment about a week earlier than the paper statements. Your Annual Budget, Audit, and other documents will be delivered via email notification of a web link.  SIGN UP TODAY 
Invasive Species Prevention Program: Before you purchase, sell and/or request to launch a new boat please be aware of the following concern. Invasive Quagga or Zebra Mussels are invading lakes and water ways throughout California. Both species can wreak havoc on the environment by disrupting the natural food chain and can contribute to the release of harmful bacteria that affect other aquatic species. The mussels can attach themselves to the hull, engine and steering components of a boat and cause damage.
Please be aware that Lake Forest Community Association requires a 30 day notice and inspection prior to launching a boat in our lakes.  This will include an inspection by Fernando Contreras, Association Lake Coordinator, which will include a visual inspection, questions regarding the boats origin and a request to have the boat cleaned per the Department of Fish & Game recommendations. If you sell or remove a boat including small craft, please contact the association to schedule an inspection prior to relocation or sale.  The Staff may delay the launch or sale of a boat so we encourage you to contact us prior to a planned purchase or sale. Also, please do not move kayaks or small boats between lakes. Please refer to the Department of Fish & Game website for a guide on “How to clean, drain and dry a boat” prior to a request to launch at the Beach & Tennis Club.  For questions contact: Fernando Contreras at or 949-837-6100.
What's New
Lagoon Advisory Committee
The Lagoon Advisory Committee held their inaugural meeting on Wednesday, 01/26/22. The group met with experts who assisted the Association during its lawsuit in order to better understand the causes of failure and to discuss possible lagoon rebuild options.
The committee will publish regular updates in the Village News to keep the community informed. For any questions or concerns, please contact General Manager Julie Carter at:
Organic Waste Law now in effect
Please see the attached notice from CR&R and the city of Lake Forest regarding new regulations that are in effect due to SB 1383.
 Starting January 1, 2024, the city and CR&R will be performing random inspections of resident trash bins to ensure compliance, as required by law. We have been informed that after a courtesy notice, fines that may escalate between $100-500 may result. Click here for more information.